Legal notice


NAÂD HOTEL is a website edited by the Welcome SARLAT company, with a capital of 650000€, registered at the Commerce and companies of Bergerac’s Register, number 852646553, its headquarters in 48 Avenue Gambetta à SARLAT LA CANEDA.

Publication Director  : Mr Strozyk

The website is hosted by the OVH company, 2 rue Kellerman, 59100 Roubaix, France.

The website is NAÂD’s exclusive propriety.

The website was developed by e.Berger, websites’ creation.

The website’s consultation is subjected to the integral acceptation and respect of conditions of use by internet users. These conditions can be modified or completed at any time: internet users are welcome to look them up, as they are normally always accessible. The website is updated regularly by the webmaster. Legal mentions can also be modified: they are necessary to the user who is recommended to refer to them as often as possible.

The user promise to have a personal and non-commercial of the website’s information. In case they don’t respect the legal mentions’ dispositions, their civil and/or legal responsibility may be compromised.

Description of offered services

The website was created to give information about the company’s activities as precise as possible. However, it can’t be held accountable for omissions, inaccuracies or deficiencies in the update, whether they are its fault or the one of a third party giving it information. All of the information visible on the website are provided as a guide, and can change. They are non exhaustive and are provided with reservations of modifications having been made since their uploading.

Intellectual property and counterfeits

NAÂD is the owner of the intellectual ownerships rights or has right of use on all accessible elements on the website, such as the text, images, videos, graphisms, logo, icons, sounds and software. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of the partiality or totality of the website’s elements, whatever is the method used is forbidden, except with a preliminary written authorisation of NAÂD. Any other exploitation of the website or of any of its elements will be viewed as a counterfeit and sued, conforming to dispositions of the L.235-2 articles and following of the Intellectual Ownership Code.

Pictures credits : NAÂD

Contractual limitations on technical data

The website can use JavaScript.

The website can’t be held accountable for material damage linked to its use. Furthermore, users promise to go on the website using recent equipment, without viruses and with an updated browser.

Accountability restrictions

NAÂd cannot be held accountable for direct and indirect damages caused to the user’s equipment when going on the teste website, and resulting either from using appropriate equipment referred as such in the 4th point, or from a bug or incompatibility.

NAÂD can’t be held accountable of indirect damages (such as loss of market share or loss of opportunity) resulting from using the website.

Hyperlinks : the website has a number of hyperlinks to other websites, of which NAÂd can’t check the contents, and won’t be held accountable.

Comments : NAÂD encourage users to post comments on the website. However, comments without any connection to the website’s content will be viewed as spam and consequently deleted. Insulting, racists, violent and sexual comments will also be deleted.